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Steering Committee Members
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Welcome to the 27th Annual GOMACTech Conference
"Enabling the Asymmetric Advantage of Information Superiority"
March 11-14, 2002
Hyatt Regency Monterey & The Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California
Steering Committee Members
Bradley J. Paul
| AFRL/SNDI | General Conference Chair
Eric D. Adler, ARL
| Technical Program Chair
Ralph J. Nadell
| Palisades Convention Management | Conference Coordinator
Gerald Borsuk
| Naval Research Laboratory
Dennis Brown
| National Reconnaissance Office
Arthur B. Campbell
| Naval Research Laboratory
Chuck Caposell
| Naval Air Systems Command
Lew Cohn
| Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Andrew D. Culhane
| Department of Defense
Donna Dillon
| Defense Threat Reduction Agency
John Egan
| National Reconnaissance Office
Carl Kotecki
| NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Timothy N. Krabach
| Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Robert F. Leheny
Thomas R. Lee
| Food & Drug Administration
Zachary J. Lemnios
Richard Linderman
Loren Linholm
Glen McWright
| Department of Defense
Ingham Mack
| Office of Naval Research
Bill Schneider
Charles J. Scozzie
| Army Research Laboratory
Susan Turnbach
| Office of the Secretary of Defense