![]() Welcome to the 38th Annual GOMACTech Conference Microelectronics for Net Enabled and Cyber Transformational Technologies MARCH 11-14, 2013 - Las Vegas, NV Online program here GOMACTech-13 Conference at a Glance GOMACTech-13 General Information WELCOMEThe GOMACTech-13 Program Committee warmly welcomes you to this year’s conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. GOMACTech is the pre-eminent conference for the review of developments in microelectronic devices, circuits, and applications for government systems. GOMACTech was established in 1968 and is an unclassified Export-Controlled event that requires all participants to be U.S. Citizens or legal U.S. Permanent Residents. This year, our conference theme, “Microelectronics for Net-Enabled and Cyber Transformational Technologies” focuses on advanced technologies and concepts that can deliver new and improved capabilities. Over the past decade, the concept of net-enabled operations has become a cornerstone for our national defense posture. The underlying assumption of this vision is the availability of robust, reliable, secure information and communications infrastructures. As government and civilian activities develop net-enabled technologies, the national defense communications infrastructure becomes an increasingly attractive target for adversary nation states in both covert and overt operations. The demand for microelectronics is imperative for developing trustworthy, high-bandwidth, and high-speed nano-scaled electronics to realize the vision. GOMACTech-13 provides a forum for discussing and demonstrating advanced microelectronics that can provide the transformational leap-ahead technologies to protect our communication networks from cyber attacks. The topical sessions will focus on developments and accomplishments ranging from components to systems within selected ongoing government-sponsored programs. Technical sessions will cover topics that include:
On Monday, 11 March, we have planned a pre-conference opening session for GOMACTech attendees; the Trusted Suppliers' Industry Day. The Industry Day has been organized by the eight companies that comprise the Trusted Suppliers' Steering Group and it will cover frank discussions on areas of high importance to the GOMACTech community. The Industry Day's objective is to gather the stakeholders and interested parties that includes industry, government agencies, and the broader community of technology performers to discuss today’s issues, challenges, and solutions in areas of interest to military, defense, and aerospace applications. This year’s theme is "Enabling Trusted Systems and Networks." The conference formally opens on Tuesday morning, 12 March, with an outstanding Plenary Session including presentations by Dr. Craig Keast, from MIT Lincoln Lab, Dr. David Harame, IBM Fellow and Chief Technical Executive Development and Enablement Value Foundry and Derivative Technology Development; Dr. Gabriel Rebeiz, Wireless Communications Industry Endowed Chair, ECE Department, UCSD; and Dr. Jason Woo, Professor in EE from UCLA. The Plenary, Technical, and Topical Sessions are the major venues for information exchange at the conference. Other opportunities for technical interaction are provided through the Exhibit Program that includes major IC manufacturers and commercial vendors of devices, equipment, systems, and services for nearly all facets of the electronics business. The exhibition opens on Tuesday, 12 March, at noon and runs through Wednesday, 13 March, at 4:00 p.m. On Tuesday evening, attendees can mix in a relaxing atmosphere at the Exhibitors' Reception. On Thursday morning, 14 March, there will be a poster session that includes our annual student poster competition. This year, we are trying a new format by holding the poster session as the only event in that time slot. We have included lots of interesting poster papers across a variety of technologies and topics and hope you take advantage of this opportunity to speak directly with the researchers. Since several DoD programs have a large number of posters in this session, we have included a special oral session titled "Poster Previews" on Wednesday afternoon, 13 March, to allow several program managers to introduce their programs. This year’s technical program is the direct result of the hard work and enthusiasm of the GOMACTech-13 Technical Program Committee. The committee members discussed and collaborated on the topics and presentations. The quality of the conference reflects this comprehensive team effort. We hope that you find GOMACTech-13 an enlightening and rewarding experience. Thank you for your active participation.
Tutorial 1: Trusted Supplier SessionMonday, 11 March / 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm / Bally's Hotel, Bronze Room 3 and 4 Organizer: Harry Kelzi, Teledyne The Trusted Supplier's Industry Day session is back on Monday, March 11 2013. This year's theme is "Enabling Trusted Systems and Networks". The objective of Industry Day is to gather the stakeholders and interested parties that includes industry, government agencies, and the broader community of technology performers to discuss today's issues, challenges and solutions in areas of interest to military, defense and aerospace applications. Industry Day is organized by the eight companies that comprise the Trusted Suppliers' Steering Group and will cover frank discussions on areas of high importance to the GOMACTech community. Tutorial 2: Electronic Packaging at Microwave and Millimeter-Wave FrequenciesMonday, 11 March / 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm / Bally's Hotel, Bronze Room 2 Organizers: Thomas W. Dalrymple, Air Force Research Laboratory A fundamental challenge in microwave and millimeter-wave packaging is how to manufacture affordable, light weight and small size components in low volume and with infrastructure that is not scalable toward mass production. High frequency packaging has recently been shifted toward “cell-phone-like” approaches where laminate and surface mount packaging technologies are employed. This workshop will review and explore challenges in microwave and millimeter-wave packaging. We will cover a variety of laminate technologies for high density modules, techniques for packaging MEMS switches, and low cost surface mount packages for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. We also demonstrate a number of antennas and phased array antennas built in laminate platforms. Plenary SessionTuesday, 12 March / 8:30 am - 12:00 pm / Silver Ballroom
Dr. David Harame "Advanced SiGe Technology and Directions" Prof. Gabriel M. Rebeiz "Advances in RF Integration Technologies and Semiconductor Implementations for Silicon-Based Phased Arrays" Dr. Jason Woo "Advanced Electronic Devices for Low Power and High Performance Systems" |